Cancer-Fighting Supplements for Dogs

Cancer-Fighting Supplements for Dogs

    If you're reading this page, my guess is that it's not for giggles.  But here's one thing I promise you -- you are NOT alone.  I've been helping pets and their parents on the path through cancer for over 30 years, and I am happy to help you as well. 

    Although most vets can make a cancer diagnosis, few have the time to really help you after that diagnosis is made.  Maybe we can change that for you and your pet.   I have worksheets for you on the most common types of cancer below, and would offer a few suggestions as well:

    • ALWAYS get a full biopsy of any tumor, and have it read out by a pathologist.  Your vet can help you with this.
    • If you are considering immunotherapy or some other form of immune support for dogs with cancer, make sure you talk to your vet ahead of the biopsy because you may need different processing for those samples.
    • The combination of precision radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and cancer vaccines has been a game changer for many cancer types.
    • Many forms of cancer respond well to metronomic chemotherapy -- small doses given orally by you at home, rather than by needle at a  cancer specialist
    • There is increasing evidence that keto and low-carb diets can dramatically slow cancer growth
    • We have direct access to veterinary specialists, including oncologists, with a 2 day turnaround.  Why wait for weeks on such an important consultation?
    If your dog has cancer, here are the rapamycin and natural products you need. No gimmicks, no hype-just the best in integrative care for your pet from a holistic veterinarian with over 30 years of experience helping dogs like yours. Let's get to work.

    What you need to know about cancer in dogs

    Does your dog have cancer? You’re in the right place, and you are not alone. Here are some facts about cancer in dogs:

    • 1 in 4 dogs will develop cancer at some point in their lives, and almost half of dogs will develop cancer after age 10. 
    • The cancer rate in dogs is roughly the same as in humans, and they share many of the same risk factors as us: age, weight, exposure to toxins, etc.
    • Some dog breeds are more susceptible to cancer than others, such as German Shepherds and Bernese Mountain Dogs. Size is a big factor—the bigger the dog, the more likely they are to face cancer.
    • Lymphoma, mast cell tumors, hemangiosarcomas, and bone cancer are the most common types of cancer in dogs.
    • There are many ways to both prevent and treat cancer in dogs, and we can guide you on your journey. From cutting-edge information on medications, surgery, and radiation to natural supplements like curcumin and mushrooms, we are here to help you.

    Benefits of anti-cancer supplements for dogs

    There is a wide variety of anti-cancer supplements for dogs available on the internet these days, but not all of them really work—that’s what sets us apart. All cancer-fighting supplements for dogs we sell are proven both in the clinic and in published studies, which we are always happy to provide for you. Let’s break down our cancer-fighting products:

    • Rapamycin is a prescription medicine that stimulates apoptosis and targets precancerous cells, delaying cancer development. Rapamycin is emerging as a fantastic solution for prolonging your dog’s life!
    • Curcumin, found in turmeric, aids with inflammation, oxidation, and immune regulation—all of which help your dog fight cancerous cells. The curcumin in our Longevity Plus supplement is a patented product proven to be over 100x more bioavailable than regular curcumin. The choice is yours: one capsule of our Longevity Plus or 100 capsules of the curcumin you can buy on Amazon.
    • EGCG is the active ingredient in green tea and is a strong inhibitor of tumor promoters, which can help prevent cancer from forming in your dog. Our Green Tea Capsules are decaf, too, so no worries about your dog jumping off the walls!
    • Turkey Tail Mushrooms have been proven to strengthen the immune system and fight infection, but they also can slow the growth of several forms of cancer in dogs—such as bone cancer and hemangiosarcomas.

    VisBiome is a probiotic that packs a serious punch. Probiotics regulate the microbiota of the intestine, and giving your dog VisBiome can seriously slow the progression of intestinal cancers.

    FAQs about anti-cancer supplements for dogs

    Adding natural cancer-fighting supplements for dogs to your pet’s daily routine, like those listed above, is a great part of a holistic or integrative cancer treatment plan. Considering that even people can use supplements to aid in their cancer-recovery journeys, it’s a no-brainer to do the same for your pup.

    The prescription drug rapamycin and the natural supplements that we carry are proven in published studies to help reduce cancer incidence; for example, science has shown rapamycin extends life by up to 17% by killing cancer cells before they become a tumor

    While there is no magic bullet—unlike what you may read on the web—the combination of these supplements to prevent cancer in dogs, a healthy diet, and a thoughtful lifestyle can minimize the chances of your loved pet developing cancer.

    The best thing to do here is massage your dog to identify tumors. Massages work because every tumor starts small, and cancer is a lot easier to solve when caught early. Give your pet a monthly massage and feel for any new lumps or bumps—for longer hair dogs, massage during a bath when hair is matted down. If you find a bump, trim a little hair or daub a little nail polish on the hair so you and your vet can find it again.

    Besides regular massages, you should partner with a great vet. Your veterinarian can help you detect cancer, both with exams and laboratory tests like bloodwork, urinalysis, and X-rays.  Once your dog hits 5 years old, they should be seen on an annual basis for these exams and tests.  

    Did you know that there are now blood tests that can detect cancer in a pet before it ever creates a problem? True enough.  Check out OncoK9 for one, but there are others as well. And if you have questions about your pet and cancer, we offer virtual cancer consultations to help guide you. We’re always here to help.

    Some breeds have a genetic tendency to get lymphoma, while in other cases it can be due to environmental issues or simply bad luck. Lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer in dogs, and a lot of smart folks are studying how best to treat it. Have more questions? Check out our summary of lymphoma in your pet.

    The survival of pets with lymphoma varies with the type of lymphoma, but it’s typically in the 3-12 month range. Early diagnosis of lymphoma helps, but there are laboratory tests like biopsy and cell phenotyping that will give you the most accurate estimate of lifespan. While traditional chemotherapy still offers the longest survival, that is not right for all pets and all families. 

    The rapamycin and supplements that we carry have also been proven effective against lymphoma. There are also new drugs like Tanovea that can help extend pets’ quality of life with lymphoma.  

    VisBiome is one of the strongest and most effective probiotics on the market, containing eight strains of live bacteria in high concentration. In fact, it is so potent that it’s only available with a prescription. It helps pups maintain healthy microbiota, restoring balance to the GI tract. This is especially important for pets on complicated drug therapy.

    Yes, but if you want to truly help your pet, it’s important to use the right curcumin. Most curcumin is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, meaning very little gets into the bloodstream. Absorption can be improved by pairing curcumin with black pepper and fatty meals or even warming it up. 

    However, the CurcuWin Ultra included in our Longevity Plus supplement has been proven to be absorbed over 100x better than traditional curcumin. The choice is simple: give your dog 100 capsules of regular curcumin or just one of Longevity Plus.

    Definitely. I know how stressful and scary thinking about cancer can be. If you’re curious to learn more about the disease, how it can affect your dog, how supplements can help, and more, then you may contact me directly at

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