Put Dr. Kevin's 38 years of veterinary practice and ALL the resources of our HPLL team to work, focusing on just one thing: AMAZING VETERINARY CARE FOR YOUR PET. We try like heck to make this the best veterinary experience you and your pet have ever had. That's right. Ever.
I ONLY DO ONE PERSONAL CONSULT A WEEK. Why? Because my team and I typically devote one full day to helping your pet. That's right, on consult days we concentrate ONLY on your pet. Where else are you going to get that degree of focus and caring for your family?
Our Personal Consults with Dr. Kevin are geared toward pets who need COMPREHENSIVE HELP NOW -- many times a journey through cardiac issues, cancer, or orthopedic pain. You will be asked to provide YOUR OWN detailed assessment of your pet's health, along with the last two years of your pet's veterinary records.
Here's what you should expect from Dr. Kevin and our team:
- Questions, sometimes a lot of them. I listen to you.
- A thoughtful review of your thoughts and your pet's veterinary records
- Research by the HPLL team as needed for optimal care of your pet, including integrative therapy, clinical trials, and the latest in medical/surgical care.
- Access to all HPLL prescription drugs and supplements
- Consults with veterinary specialists on your behalf, with written notes for you.
- A combination of email and Zoom conferences to ensure perfect communication
If the note "SOLD OUT" appears above, it means that I am devoting myself and our team to the care of another loved pet this week. Please email me at my personal email,, to book ahead.
I look forward to working with you.